Tuesday, December 12, 2006

A Start

This is to be my first official post. I've no real agenda with this thing, this b-log. It's mostly a time waster. But I think many good things in life start out as means to waste time or avoid responsibility. So do many bad things. Just ask any poet or junkie or junkie poet.

You see, lately I've been organizing my online life. Not by joining the myspace or flickr or any of those mmporgies. No, I don't have any real online presence that needs to be organized. Rather, I've been organizing my online consumption or intake or electronic dumpster diving. What I mean to say is that due to e-mail and rss advancements I spend less time seeking out my daily web whatnots.

So, I needed another way to waste time. Here it is. Suck on this responsibility

1 comment:

JMH said...

Please post the drawings.