Thursday, June 28, 2007

I do actual work sometimes: Sounds like Lucia

Hey! Here's a CD cover I'm working on. This lady writes poems. And now she reads them, too!
This is just my first shot, but everybody at the office seems to like it. They picked this over the many options presented by our design intern, which he spent a lot of time on. Suck on that, intern!

Maybe I don't post enough to necessitate 2 blogs

Hi folks (if indeed there are folk out there). It seems like maybe one or two people check this blog, which actually greatly surpasses any expectations I had. However, it seems that nobody is checking the snuckacrew blog these days. Take a look over there would you. I posted a T-shirt idea, and I'd like any input.

Monday, June 25, 2007

It just is, damnit

Just a time wasting exercise. I needed to get that samurai business moved down the page. So here's some crap I did. There's a big ol' thumb print in the middle of a bunch of different-colored crap. I don't care if you like it. I intend to scan some more Problem Solvers style stuff later this week or early next week or never.